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  • Writer's pictureRenee Bowser

I wanted to give up! But no way!

So I am in the first week of the One Funnel Away Challenge and I have to tell you now, this is not easy. But nothing worth having is easy, is it?

Offer Hacking

The first week of the One Funnel Away Challenge is about offer hacking. We start out with learning how to look at competitors offer and taking the best from their offer and writing it down.

The Greatest Showman

Mission 2 teaches us the important concept of offer building. So we are shown how to find and/or create products to add to our offer. The One Funnel Away Challenge really gives you a lot of resources about how to create products with the aid of written word, audio, and video.

Offer Sequencing

Mission 3 is showing us how to sequence our offer. This part is where we actually start to build our offer. It is an amazing exercise and this about where I started to get a little overwhelmed and doubting my ability to complete this challenge. But never will I give up!

ECovers & Offer Assets

Mission 4 teaches us how to create ecovers and other digital assets to add to our offer and make it more appealing.


Now we are creating and building our offer. The One Funnel Away Challenge teaches us the importance of finding out "who" the offer is meant for and how to make the offer appeal to that audience.

So I am starting to doubt that I can do this. What do I do?

I keep going. I keep trying. I keep following instructions. I refuse to give up! Ever!

The One Funnel Away Challenge seems to be kicking my butt in the first week, and I am not sure if I will be able to do this. But never will I let my fears of failure stop me from building my financial future.

I know from the money that I have already made with Click Funnels, that the One Funnel Away Challenge is my pathway. I am determined to learn this.

So the One Funnel Away Challenge is definitely a challenge, but anything worth having is worth working for and completing. I know that this is my pathway to success and I know that it would be for your too if you stick with the challenge.

The next One Funnel Away Challenge starts August 4th, and I hope my recap of my 30 day journey will help you to sign up and accept the challenge to change your life.

I also want to give you the opportunity to subscribe to my blog to keep up with my journey through the One Funnel Away Challenge. Just sign up for my updates above with the sign up button.

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