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We give back to our community every single day!!

Ambitious Communications Living Wage Internship Education Program


The greatest impact we can have is to help our disenfranchised youth and young adults is to show them that there is more than playing basketball, being a rapper, going to college and work for someone else in order to get paid. 


Business owners have the kind of wealth and financial security that others have who are in successful positions. 

Ambitious Communications gives back by training our young adults to become business owners and take their financial security into their own hands and their life into their own control.


Our youth do not have to settle for strapping themselves with college debt when they can be an entrepreneur and build businesses.   

We feel that experience is the best teacher, so we provide a hands-on opportunity to build their own organizations and businesses through our living wage internship education program!


Please understand that there is nothing wrong with going to college and/or working for others companies.  If that is the goal for that person, by all means, please do what your dreams desire.


But Ambitious Communications understands that there is a disenfranchised community of our youth that don’t have the circumstances, nor the knowledge to take advantage of a higher education or to have the opportunity to work for an organization that is going to pay them their worth and provides a lifetime of financial security to them like business ownership.


Something has to be done about these children and young adults that have been disenfranchised from the opportunities to succeed and build a lifetime of financial security for themselves and their families. 

Ambitious Communications helps those youth to become business owners through our living wage internship education program!!


Our program will guide them through the methods to become a business owner as a team member/intern while also receiving a living wage of income to support themselves.


Feel free to contact us for further details!!








Owners of Ambitious Communications

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